Home » Applications


    Application overview

    Customer-populated forms are received in Nimo’s staff portal Application layer for the lender’s staff to review and make necessary changes or updates.

    Changes to any section in the application layer will display a pop-up requesting a comment on the reason for the change. Once entered and saved, a change log record is generated, displaying the old and new values and the reason for the change.

    Overview tab – The top of the overview page displays the loan amounts and lifecycle stage, while the bottom of the page features a timeline that illustrates the progress of the application, including the time and date of each event.

    Information is provided according to a lender’s predetermined information requirements across the following categories:

    • Applicant details
    • Product details (and product suitability)
    • Assets & Liabilities
    • Income & Expenses
    • Consents & other Documents

    Relationship managers can request additional documentation or information from the applicant via the Documents tab.

    An application is deemed complete and ready for Assessment when all data and attachment requirements have been provided.

    If there are any outstanding sections, Nimo will highlight them with a blue bubble indicating the number of items missing.

    Once completed, a button allowing the application to be submitted to the Assessment stage will appear.



      To add a note, click the button on the right-hand side labelled ‘ADD NOTE’. A pop-up will appear where you can add your comments and save them.

      The notes are structure in four sections:

      1. Category (drop down)
      2. Subject (free form)
      3. DLA (drop down)
      4. Note: (free form comments)

      Category drop down list

      • General
      • Broker (brokers within the broker portal will be able to view this note)
      • Transaction
      • Interaction
      • Credit
      • Policy Exception
      • Rate Approval
      • Important
      • Notify Staff
      • Notify Customer
      • Dispute
      • Warning
      • Fraud
      • Collections
      • Hardship
      • Write Off
      • Other

      DLA drop down list

      • Staff
      • Credit Assessor
      • Credit Manager
      • Head of Department
      • Manager
      • Team Lead
      • Regional Manager
      • Executive
      • Board
      • Auditor
      • Regulator